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Circular approach - reducing waste and using resources more fully

  • In Iceland, we strive to utilize our resources to the fullest. Therefore, we try to use what has been given to us by nature to its fullest extent and always try to find new, innovative ways to expand the utility of our resources. We do this regarding seafood, geothermal energy, and farming.
  • This mindset has helped us progress in better harmony with nature and has undoubtedly helped us achieve higher standards of living. It hasn't always been easy, but we believe it is one of the ways we will continue to move forward. By showcasing how we work and think, we believe we can impact, help, and inspire others to use their resources better.


  • How Icelanders focus on using multiple streams of a resource
  • Blue Lagoon, Reykjavik Resource Park, Fridheimar, Greenhouse, Kerecis
  • Utilization of fish/cod, Sudureyri fishermen